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The company held a welcome party for new employees in 2014

Published:2014-08-08 Clicks:19599

        On August 4, our company held a welcome party for new employees, also known as the orientation. Company leaders, heads of departments, mentors and new employees attended the meeting. On the meeting, new employees made self-introduction.

        General manager Wan Jun, on behalf of the company, made a welcome speech to new employees. He expressed his sincere greetings and warm welcome to the arrival of new employees and put forward four requirements for them: 1. they should adapt to the new role in the shorted time, get to know more about the company, job responsibilities and work requirements; 2. they should have a humble attitude, learn from the mentors and other colleagues and lay the foundation for professional and vocational development; 3.they should enhance the sense of responsibility, abide the professional ethics and cultivate good professional quality; 4. They should enhance team spirit without losing individual features and play an active role in the team.

        New employees will have orientation training for one month after the welcome party. The training includes general education training, development training, network professionalism training, project site visits and professional basic knowledge training.

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