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The Company held special training lecture on team building

Published:2014-08-05 Clicks:18545

        The theme training on team building was held on the afternoon of Aug.1st to strengthen the company team building and cadre forces construction, to improve the comprehensive quality and management capability. The general manager and party secretary Wanjun made the lecture and about 90 company members of leading cadres of all levels and youth backbone joined the lecture.

Based on the company real situation, Manager Wan gave us a professional and systematic lecture on team construction by closely combine the professional theory like “ Team Spirit, Team Building and Team Management” and management practice, and explain to us the characteristics and elements of team, team construction system and how to create a team. Besides, Manager Wan particularly noted the significance of team building in the project group.

        The company hopes that leading cadres of different levels learn and understand the significance and connotation of team building, actively think about team building of different levels and implement it to working practice, create a highly efficient company group “l(fā)ike a family, like a school and like an army”.

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