
Social Responsibility

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Social Responsibility

As a responsible company, TITAN DESIGN is willing to support and participate in programs for public good, and take our own social responsibility.We organized our staffs to take part in many social activities such as “l(fā)earn from Leifeng, serve to people”, “help the poor and build schools, donate for the Hope Project, build the Hope Stack”. In recent years, our company joined the “Spring Breeze Action” in Hangzhou and the donation for Wenchuan and Yushu. In 2009 our company was commended by the government as “Advanced Company in social responsibility construction of Hangzhou”.

We are “Top 100 largest service company in Hangzhou” in continuous five years;

We are the first batch of the credit enterprise of survey and design industry in Zhejiang province;

We have cooperation with Zhejiang University and Zhejiang Industry University, and built a practicing base together to train Masters;

We are the chief editor and participant editor of < Code for Design of General Plot Plan and Transportation of Chemical Industrial Enterprises> (GB50489-2009)

We have domestic advanced patents such as “Jet type aerobic fermentation tank” to help our clients improve production and decrease energy consume;

We tax more than 30,000,000RMB a year in recent years;

We have created more than 200 jobs in recent three years;


TM| 磁力钻| 消防高温排烟混流风机| 太阳辐射试验箱| 玻璃沼气厌氧罐| 施克流量传感器| 全自动贴标机| 凯米尼尔搅拌机| 高压清洗机| 医用注射针测试仪| 插入式靶式流量计| 立体停车场投资[云南贵州陕西甘肃机械式停车位租赁]智能停车设备维护保养| star抗体| 荷兰amtjets发动机数据终端| 铝型材挤压输送生产线| 洛阳压路机| 生物降解塑料| 熔体计量泵| 深冷处理设备| 济南租车| SHIMADZU岛津| TAG5000高压无线核相仪| 甲级防雷检测仪| 快速水分检测仪| 型号全价格优| 精密花键齿轮轴| 一体化振动探头| RJ启动调整电阻器| 五莲红外墙干挂| 三相微机继电保护测试仪| 便携式氨氮快速测定仪| 心肺复苏医疗教学模拟人| 沃特世氘灯| 全自动\压对线\切角压线\纸盒贴窗机| 梁山融悦二手设备经营部| 全温水浴恒温振荡器| 对夹式蒸汽涡街流量计| 德国VEM电机| 三水醋酸钠| Allevi3D生物打印机| 全自动碱值测定仪|