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The company obtained another utility model patent

Published:2014-08-10 Clicks:18692

        Recently, according to the State Intellectual Property Office, the company’s "vertical filter washing and drying machine" was officially recognized as a utility model patent. This patent can effectively improve equipment integration and device operational continuity, reduce equipment working area, and made several operations including washing, filtering, drying recycled for many times within the same device.

南京市秦淮区熙亿仪器设备经营部| 污泥处理| 笔帽通气量测试仪| 纸板挺度仪| 广研密封| 中国建材机械工业协会| 硅烷交联| SWAN氧备件包| 水平垂直燃烧试验仪| 手板加工| 【VERTIV】维谛UPS| 卫生级呼吸器| 整站包年按天优化| StrongBlockBuffer阻断剂| 船用电力电缆| 成都泰盛吉自动化喷砂设备| 双法兰液位变送器| 山东螺旋输送机| 厂家| 双壁波纹管| 空调滤清器| 浓缩果汁果酱生产线| 伸缩接头| 气动隔膜阀| 氙灯加速老化试验箱| 照明箱计量电表| 成都生活污水处理设备| 便携式硫酰氟检测仪| 维萨拉HMT120(HM41| 撬装加油站| 熔体泵| 气动分度头| 浩达超声百科| 医疗器械| 试剂耗材全生命周期管理系统| 真空泵维修| 油缸液压缸| 酸雾废气吸收塔| 油冷式电动滚筒| 搅拌站电动滚筒| 污泥脱水机|