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Jin Chengtao, member of the standing committee of Xihu district, Hangzhou came to visit the company

Published:2014-08-22 Clicks:19628

On August 21, Jin Chengtao, member of the standing committee of Xihu district, Hangzhou, accompanied by leaders of Xihu district technology bureau, visited our company. Wan jun, the general manager, and other relevant leaders attended the research meeting.

        At the meeting, leaders including Jin spoke highly of the achievements that our company has made in the past few years and the contribution we have made to Xihu district. After from that, they also put forward some guidelines on enterprise development, technological innovation and other fields. On behalf of the company, general manager Wan Jun appreciated the attention and encouragement the leaders showed to our company and hoped that district leaders and government could provide more guidance and support in the company’s development process.


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