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Titan undertook the Interim expert seminar of the "Zhoushan Port Comprehensive Bonded Zone Qushan regional industry development plan"

Published:2014-08-18 Clicks:37174

    In order to accelerate the "Zhoushan Port Comprehensive Bonded Zone Qushan Regional Industry Development plan", an interim seminar was held on August 14 by our company. This seminar was organized by Zhejiang Zhoushan Port Free Trade Zone Administrative Committee. Three companies involved in the preparation of the project and six industry experts were invited to participate in the seminar.

    Zhejiang Zhoushan Port Free Trade Zone Administrative Committee, deputy director Lu Pingyue firstly introduced the background of the project. As a delegate of sponsors, general manager Wan Jun welcomed the representatives of the companies and industry experts come to the meeting. Three special reports about this project prepared by these three companies were given at the meeting. China Waterborne Transport Research Institutes explained the details about the main content of "Zhoushan Port Comprehensive Bonded Zone Qushan regional industry development plan". Zhejiang Titan Design Engineering Co., Ltd., had developed a special report of Zhoushan Port Comprehensive Bonded Zone Qushan oil industry planning. CCCC Third Harbor Consultants Co., Ltd. made additional instructions about regional environment planning.

    This meeting has important guiding significance to further clarify the development ideas, industry positioning and development direction of Zhoushan Port Comprehensive Bonded Zone Qushan District.

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